
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

~ Love Callus Culture ~

It's all about my FINAL YEAR PROJECT. I am doing study on a Zingerberaceae species (Etlingera elatior) also known as 'Torch Ginger' and ' Bunga Kantan'. Now, the culture is almost 8th week after callus inoculation. In this study, I need to induce the callus to regenerate shoots with using various combination of hormones auxin and cytokinin.

It is really hard to find the correct hormones combination, since a master student who is working on this type of species was also unsuccessful. He tried on 30 combinations,but no shoot appear from that calli. I just continue this study with a hope I can write my project report nicely and learn something about His Greatness. Whatever result I get,I just let it to Allah to determine because I've try my best and love to do all these things.

 These are some photos of my calli after 8 week. 
Alhamdulillah,it responds and 
 in my report !! (^_^)

Allah berfirman bermaksud:

“Dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tiada disangka-sangkanya. Dan barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan (keperluannya). Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan yang (dikehendaki-Nya). Sesungguhnya Allah mengadakan ketentuan bagi setiap sesuatu.” 
(Surah Ath Thalaq ayat 3).


  1. Wahhh adik akak dah jadi Doctor Pokok la... Congratzz coz x ramai org yg nak ceburi bidang nie... i Follow U.. \\( ^_^ )//

  2. Belum lag la kak..tu just final year project..tak siap pon lag..doakan kita jdi reseacher on plant.. (^_^)
